Flat File Program
at Arlene's
Diana Bangert-Drowns
For Diana Bangert-Drowns, all art-making begins with observation. Observing not only without, but also within. Before Bangert-Drowns makes anything, she opens herself to be taught, moved. Creating art requires openness, and a willingness to play. It is this willingness to play mixed with her drive to be productive is the main drive behind Bangert-Drowns. When she approach making something new, she comes up with an idea, an urge, but also allows herself to be free of expectation. She opens her creativity to the final result, to allow chance to be a companion in the process. The best question she asks herself is “What if?” Bangert-Drowns creative process is a reminder that contrary to what we may believe, we really have very little control. Openness to this reality allows beauty and meaning to rise from the ruins of our efforts to control.