Sell your work, grow your business, and join our creative community!
The Makers Markets are all produced, juried, and curated by Arlene’s Artist Materials; making for a unique shopping and selling experience.
We would ❤️ to work with installation artists, DJs, specialty photography, intuitive readings, portrait drawings, vintage collectors, and anyone in between! Email us your project idea and we’ll work together to bring it to life at the Market.


Makers Booth Space Sizes and Regulations:
Spring and Fall Makers Markets at Arlene's will be held outside in the store’s parking lot. Makers' booth spaces are a maximum of 10 feet by 10 feet. Makers cannot exceed their allotted spaces. We have ten spaces and need to make room for everyone. NOTE: Because the Makers Markets at Arlene's is going to be located outside Makers need to take the necessary precautions. Booth Spaces do not include anything. Exhibitors are responsible for bringing their own tables, chairs, an area covering (i.e. tents) that must be secured in windy conditions, lighting, promo materials, and display apparatus.
Makers cannot increase the size of the booth artificially. They can create wall space with the use of easels, bins, or other props but cannot exceed the designated size of the booth. Scheduling Makers, booth/table placements, and Market design are at the sole discretion of Arlene's Artist Materials, and Arlene's reserves the right to make changes in booth assignments and/or Market configuration at any time Check out FAQs for more info..
Makers Booth Space Sizes and Regulations:
The Holiday Makers Markets at Arlene’s are located inside Arlene's Artist Materials. The booth space is approximately 4’x6’. Arlene’s Artist Materials will provide one 6-foot table per Maker and two folding chairs per booth. Makers are responsible for bringing their own promo materials and display apparatus. Makers cannot increase the size of their booth artificially. Makers can use the space creatively through the use of easels, bins, or other props as long as it does not infringe on other Maker’s booths. Arlene’s Artist Materials, Inc. is not responsible for damaged, lost, or stolen goods. Booth/table assignments, placements, and market design are at the sole discretion of Arlene's Artist Materials, and Arlene's reserves the right to make changes in booth assignments and/or market configuration at any time. Check out FAQs for more info.

There are no application fees to apply to any Makers Markets at Arlene’s. Holiday Markets are held on three different dates featuring different makers per market. All approved Makers will be charged a non-refundable booth space fee of $25. Check out FAQs for more info.